Bitsy Bling Books

A Writer's Opinion About What to Read. Book Reviews, Recommendations and Bookish Stuff.

You Know What You Have To Do

You Know What You Have to Do - Bonnie Shimko It's true! This book does turn formulaic teen fiction on its head. Can I get an AMEN! Perhaps, this explains the wide variety of star-ratings. Either you're going to like the change or not. For me, it was a winner! If you're looking for gore or slasher scary, you won't get it here. This is a psychological haunt that seeps into the brain and does the dirty work. What makes it frightening? The seemingly everyday ability to function with a demented voice in the head. The realism is what brings on the shiver factor. Although the tag line reads, Dexter meets Judy Blume, I'd write it as, Norman Bates say hello to Mary-Magdalene. Norman and Mary are more likely to be soul-mates than Dexter, the blood specialist working homicide.Norman Bates, I'd like to introduce you to Mary-Magdalene.The psychological construction of Mary is complex, consistent and deeply intriguing. We're never told what her mental illness is because just like the other characters (and herself), this is all new and happening in real-time. Like Dr. Scott and Adams, the reader is provided information and left to determine a diagnosis. However, the advantage goes to the reader because we're given access to Mary's intimate thoughts. Her ability to lie is astounding, suggesting she is highly intelligent and understands right from wrong, as well as self-preservation. On the other hand, Mary also can't seem to lie when it comes to social interaction, which makes her come across as brutally honest, awkward and a bit strange. Her justified empathy is fascinating, yet she still seems to have a conscience or at the very least, a distorted moral compass. Plus, she loves animals. I can not help but draw a comparison to the young Norman Bates and we all know how that turned out! So who is the voice in her head? Well, that is the million dollar question and would make for a great class or reading group discussion. What exactly is 'wrong' with Mary-Magadlene?And what about that voice? All I can say is WOW! The voice in this text gets a standing ovation! I don't mean the voice in Mary's head, but rather I'm referring to the literary voice. It is seamless, flawless and convincing. The deadpan delivery takes skill and even when it would be 'normal' to heighten emotion, Shimko manages to maintain control to keep with the character. Some readers might find this too steady of an approach in certain scenes, but from a psychological standpoint this is so necessary and important. It provides more insight into the mind of the main character than any other description. So much depends on Mary's response or lack thereof, and I was pleased to see any temptation to veer from what the character demanded was avoided. It takes great discipline and Shimko flexes her writer muscles with this one! The only thing I might poke at is the ending. It provides just enough to scrape by and qualify as a complete story, but it's hard not to want a bit more. I've gone over this a few times and I can make an argument for both adding another scene or leaving it as is. The imagination will get the better of you. Clearly there is a resolution and ending, but it might frustrate some readers. Whereas others, like myself, will enjoy pondering the possibilities of what happens next. It's beautifully annoying and again fits with the entire flow, voice and path of the story. I find that I've been arguing with the voice in my head about the ending. Isn't that ironic! Oh, and how clever!


Bloodspell - Amalie Howard I'm feeling a little like Switzerland when it comes to this book, neutral. I'm neither loving or disliking it. It's a middle of the road kind of read for me. Yep, totally sitting on the fence with this one and using as many cliche metaphors as possible. Perhaps, I'm getting numb to the redundancy of YA genre books, but as much as I want to say more -- there really isn't anything new to see here. As the synopsis states, you get an outcast girl who happens to be intriguingly beautiful (I know, this is so weird, right?) who discovers she has powers and attracts a forbidden handsome beau. It's fate, destiny or in this case prophecy. A little bit of Buffy meets Twilight with a snowboarding scene. I'm afraid nothing was heart-grabbing, eye-catching or thrilling, but also it wasn't terrible. This one just lingered in the realm of mediocracy the entire way through for me. Bloodspell is like a dish that will fill you up, but not be a memorable dining experience. You know, it's safe, like ordering the chicken breast with green beans when you really want the chipotle steak topped with refried black bean sauce and forbidden sour cream with a fat side slice of cornbread. Who's hungry?

Déjà Vu: A Technothriller (The Saskia Brandt Series, #1)

Déjà Vu: A Technothriller (The Saskia Brandt Series, #1) - Ian Hocking The opening scenes immediately grabbed me and I was excited to push on and read further. However, it didn't take long for me to disconnect from the main character, Saskia Brandt, and lose all enthusiasm for this read. The concept of digital minds is fascinating, but difficult to deliver on paper. Given the subject matter, there must be an obvious human disconnect, but still, the reader needs to engage with the human sub-characters or at the very least, sympathize. In my opinion, this was not achieved in Deja Vu. Oh, how I wish is were, because it would have been epic. To my disappointment, Deja Vu was simply another time-traveling, plot-driven, sci-fi that was conceptually cool, but from a literary standpoint, fell into the pile labelled, basic and flat. I wasn't on the edge of my seat and the special effects that needed to translate from page to my imagination, didn't happen. The pieces weren't laid out and the tools were never given to construct what I imagine the author intended. This one left little impression and I won't be reading the sequel. This book just didn't move me.


Stitch - Samantha Durante

Stitch is truly a genre-stretching novel mashing up paranormal romance and dystopia science fiction to create a wholly original and intense indie sensation. Without directly imitating recent popular YA books, Stitch has positive similarities that will appeal to fans of books such as the Hunger Games. The sub-layering is apparent, but not difficult to follow. The book is a well orchestrated read that is thematically complex, as well as, intriguingly entertaining. Durante maintains steady control over world building and time jumping, while including various character perspectives. This takes tremendous skill and is a tedious process to prefect during early drafting. I admire the flow, transitions, past, present, reality and alternative reality maze. I have no idea how she pulled it off, but it was wonderful to read a work that demands so much attention from its creator. It truly is impressive. Many kudos! Keeping the above praise in mind, my criticism of a few things shouldn't greatly deter a reader from picking up this book. Mostly, these are minor things that are personal preferences and not necessarily developmental flaws. Let me explain...the pacing picks up and a few areas felt rushed, but remembering that the length for YA tends to fall within a certain page count, and given the events occurring in multiple places, times and realities, it wasn't unreasonable. Due to the placing and nature of the 'reveal', which is mingled with action, the need to move quickly is unavoidable. Nevertheless, it's still hard to conceive that the main characters are accepting of what is happening. However, the setting up of shadow memories makes it more plausible. Secondly, toward the end there is a bit of moralizing, recapping and extended explanation by the main character, which is directed at the reader. Including a "moral of the story" (to some degree) is a classic literary format and has been used over the ages. Is it my favorite? No, not really. I like to think that I can figure out the thematic complexity and ponder the lessons, moral, human condition and apply it to modern concerns and life on my own. However, this won't likely bother other readers unless they hold a degree in English Literature with an emphasis on Creative Writing. Even then, you'd have to be a total snob to point it out. My bad.I'm truly excited about this trilogy and can't wait...and I mean CAN'T WAIT to get book two in my eager little hands. It's refreshingly original and one book the world of indie publishing is going to be proud to claim!

Corktown: Abby Kane Thriller

Corktown - Ty Hutchinson This is a book for those readers who want a straight-up-no-nonsense suspense thriller with a cold female lead. Corktown is a classic detective-works-the-case plot line with no strange creative surprises. However, I tend to fall into the category of reader that wants the weird twists and desires more character development. Corktown invests very little into the characters, but rather uses them as pieces to move around the mystery board. By the end, I didn't care if any of them got hurt or killed. Really, you could plug in any name and it wouldn't matter much. I have a term for this style of book; I call them airplane reads. You can pick it up, read it and leave it. It does its job to entertain and hold interest, but so does an episode of CSI. The most disturbing part of this read was the love connection with the partner in the beginning. Ugh! It seriously was one of the worst forced attraction climaxing to a awkward love scene I've had to endure. It was mechanical and lacked chemistry. I would have preferred to have skipped it than be left with the image in my head. The book would have been much better if this whole disastrous attempt at adding tension was cut during editing. Even though I didn't care for the read, I still in all fairness gave it three stars because I believe the target audience will like the plot driven hunt for the obvious killer. What I did like? It was set in Detroit.

The Butterfly Clues

The Butterfly Clues - Kate Ellison This is the second book I've read by Kate Ellison (See review of her newly released Notes from Ghost Town), and I was not disappointed! What Ellison does remarkably well is portray flawed, and uniquely constructed characters. She truly digs in and reveals the details that make each one special. Without overwhelming the story with lengthy describes or extraneous details, every character is present, whether they are a main or support cast. It really does take great skill and craft to not neglect those less-than-starring roles. From the Prophet, to Sapphire, to the bouncer at the club, the reader will receive a vivid, richly-developed insight into their worlds and who these people were. Through Ellison's effort, it's nearly impossible not to care or invest in the story, and dare I say, journey into Neverland? Need more praise to be convinced? Well, okay! I've got gobs to share! This modern day twist(ed) Peter Pan-like thematic awesomeness is worth the bus ticket. Who needs to fly when you can hitch a ride on the Cleveland Public Transit? But...I diverge, back to the praising! What Ellison also grasps, conveys, brings attention to, and humanizes is mental illness. After reading both books (although different), the author has found her niche in relating and characterizing varying aspects of the mentally ill theme. What I love about how she communicates the subject is she does not simply draw upon sympathy, cliches, stereotypes or generalizations, but rather 'shows' through situation, relationship and every day life. She's great at causing chaos at just the right moment to reveal exactly what she needs to. I like that she doesn't take the after-school-special approach. The grit makes it raw and compelling. I highly recommend picking up both of Ellison's books, The Butterfly Clues and Notes From Ghost Town. These young adult reads are deeply thematic and relevant, but without the sappy sympathy. There is a wonderful strength, courage, awkwardness, and just the right amount of teen naivety characterized in her female leads to make them enduring, frustrating (at times), but never pathetic.

A Shade Of Vampire

A Shade of Vampire (A Shade Of Vampire, #1) - Bella Forrest I must admit that after reading this barely-a-novel (considering it's only 150 pages), I had to go back and re-read the claim that it was a, "#1 Christmas Bestseller in Vampire Romance, Paranormal and Fantasy," at Amazon. My guess is it was downloaded for free when it debuted. However, to the book's credit, it does have many reviews posted. But here's the deal, I'd be hesitant to take the #1 claim and number of reviews as absolute indicators. I'm sure they are accurate to some degree, but perhaps the representation is pushing the boundaries a bit? I've never pointed this out in a review before, but this one has me wincing a bit.What's the problem, you ask? First of all, whoa, slow-down, eager beaver. How about some development and foreplay before we get kidnapped, enslaved and fall for a hot guy in another world! The entire plotting is just too darn fast. It lacks structural maturity and thus, despite the horrific and what should be terrifying events, this reader didn't have time to attach or care very much about what was happening. I'm not suggesting filling in pages with mindless details or purple prose, but work on really characterizing. The thematic stitch of humanization is being thread through the story line, but the characters (humans) really aren't projected to match the theme, which is rather important if you want the audience to care about any of them. The idea of humanization verses de-humanization is intriguing, but the opportunity to strength this is neglected by super sonic pacing. I don't like throwing punches, but here it goes. Although the story pitch is an interesting concept, and it does feel like it is still in the conceptional phase, A Shade of Vampire straddles the Twilight cliches. Unfortunately, using this reference is also getting tiresome. Vampire falls in love with human and wants to save her virginity and humanity. Not such a bad idea, as long as an original spin can be put on it. I'm open to the notion, but this falls short for me. Also, considering the rapid fire speed at which these two spark into devoted loyalty --well, frankly it's annoying. I get the whole 'drawn-to-each-other' romantic thing, but this borders on the absurd. Given the length of the novel, I think there is a great opportunity to go back and enrich it. Really dive into the characters and breathe more into them to build the tension of the book. As is, they could all die and I wouldn't blink. There is a good base here that needs to be further flushed out and examined. Really work the theme, think about the layers, and build upon more than just some easy world-building of the Shade/Vale (which should be Veil?), unless we're in Colorado. That's my advice, but Hell, what do I know? Apparently, hundreds of readers think it is just fine as-is.


Remembrance - Michelle Madow From the very beginning this book cruises along and will draw you in to the wonderful world of teenage drama and angst. Lizzie has it almost too good, or at least it appears she does. However, her awesome boyfriend isn't all that fabulous given the way he treats her, which borders on the mentally abusive. At the very least, his words and behaviors are unhealthy for Lizzie. BUT, given their history, it's hard for her to break away even though her gut is telling her it's time. Some might think Lizzie is a bit pathetic by this point, but lets face it, many, many young girls go through or find themselves putting up with more than they should in young relationships -- either from lack of comparison, experience, example or peer pressure. What I like is that what Lizzie is experiencing isn't all-in-out ugly, but a more subtle alarm sounding that things aren't right. This is undoubtedly difficult to deal with both internally and externally because others aren't usually very sympathetic. Unfortunately, Lizzie's epiphany tangles with bad timing, which makes things look worse than they would be, cluster-$^#*ing the whole dramatic scene! In Lizzie and Drew's effort to do the right thing and protect relationships, they make a mess. Bring in the back loader, they're going to need it to get out of this one! *beep, beep, beep!Coupled with the fresh idea of reincarnation, Remembrance strengths the depth of the novel by introducing the question of fate, destiny, loyalty and inevitability -- not to mention love. It got me thinking, "Can we avoid the inevitable?" Perhaps, changing or preventing history doesn't always guarantee a less complicated outcome -- just different. Remembrance proves with every action there is a reaction, and that each choice we make sets something in motion. Sometimes for the better, but never without a cost or sacrifice. So what are the drawbacks? The characters are fairly cliche and typical. Natural, awkward, pure beauty has two gorgeous boys fighting over her. Then, we've got the beautiful, popular, best-friend who is kind of a bitch coupled with the jock and brooding bad boy love interest. You get the picture. Perhaps, my ho-hum, less-than-impressed opinion about the character craftsmanship comes from reading a string of teen/YA novels in a row. I've had my fill of these cardboard, Twilight inspired, type-casted characters (Yep, I dared to go there). Where it may have been original or slightly quirky in the past -- it no longer is (go ahead and hate me for saying it lol). I'm honestly praying this cycle breaks soon!

The Dead and Buried

The Dead and Buried - Kim Harrington Picture Mean Girls, but with a Regina-like leader ruling from beyond the veil, and you'll get the idea of what Dead and Buried is all about. Staying true to her writing style, Kim Harrington plots an easy, fast-paced read in a high school setting. Like most teen books, Dead and Buried delivers love triangles, betrayal, backstabbing and school drama. This is a sleuth-style book that directly influences the main character, Jade's, actions and decision-making. Although a little extreme, she is forced by threat to solve a whodunnit or risk the possibility of a family member being hurt. To her credit, Jade believes the sinister spirit and is given a sampling of proof, but what bothered me was her lack of strength and immediate acceptance of this obviously manipulative individuals word. However, given the target audience, this is probably not a big deal. I would have enjoyed more depth in the overall spiritual side of things including the Ouija board dangers and what can and did happen, but for plot-pacing reasons, it was handled well. I've also read and reviewed Clarity, by Kim Harrington, and I admittedly liked that book better because it did contain more depth, emotional investment and character attachment. However, if you love whodunnit ghost stories, this is a good read. Did I feel as connected with the characters? I'd have to say, no -- but it was entertaining and not too scary or overly disturbing. If that is what you're looking for, then you'll likely enjoy this one. If you demand more intense ghostly occurrences with true to life happenings--well, this will be too light of a read. It definitely leans more towards the tween-teen sector rather than the other end of the young adult scale.

Entangled (Spellbound #1)

Entangled (Spellbound #1) - Nikki Jefford If the Secret Circle had an evil twin, it'd be Entangled. With all her witchy powers you would think that Charlene might have devoured her twin in the womb, but fortunately Gray lives on only to be tormented by her jealous, heartless twin sister. However, good will prevail or at least take on another shape. Coupled with all the high school drama and enriched with supernatural trauma, Entangled is a spell-flinging one-up teen fiction filled with a set of crafty characters, which makes for a quick, fluid read that will keep you interested until the end. This is a series, but doesn't leave you hanging by your fingernails from a cliff. Instead, there is some closer, but with just enough enticement that will hopefully make you want to pick up the next book. However, there isn't a lot of depth and it includes a mother that is conveniently absent whenever something important needs to be handled. I understand the plotting, since this is becoming a very common theme in many teen/YA fiction books. It allows the teens to have more freedom without the dreaded parental unit interference, but I can't help wondering is this a too easy of an out? If you like the show Secret Circle, you'll enjoy Entangled. It has a similar motif and premise with a similar punch. Much of what occurred was expected and fairly predictable, but did not diminish the overall entertainment value. You won't get a big twist or gasp moment - but you'll be rooting for team Gray and wondering what new trouble will come. I will definitely be reading the second in the series. A good set up in the end makes me want to see what happens next. This story is far from over and I can't wait to read on!

Lola's Secret

Lola's Secret - Monica McInerney It's not often that I don't finish a book, but sadly Lola's Secret fell into this category for me. Here are a few reasons why I didn't push through to the end..* I am familiar with Monica McInerney's writing style - but based on synopsis, was willing to give her another try* Slow start due to multiple background depicts/set up of multiple characters mundane life details* Tedious, every day reality. A dull, daily life voyeurism.* Basically the same premise, different house* The boring side of the human conditioni read McInerney's At Home with the Templetons and had a similar experience. So why try another novel by the author? Well, I read the synopsis and thought perhaps I might like this book more than the previous one I read by the author. You never know, it could be and should be different, right? Why not give her a second try?However, this was much of the same. A slow start that involves multiple mundane details about a variety of characters and their daily life, which leads them to gathering at the same place, a B&B. Yes, this could be an interesting premise, but McInerney rather focus on less than intriguing details that bond people, rather than weave an interesting complexity. Sure, I can appreciate the true to life approach - but, it doesn't necessarily make for interesting or entertaining reading.I suppose this ultimately comes down to why the reader is reading a book in the first place. What do you wish to get out of it? For me, it's not simply to get a glimpse into another way of life (despite the details), but to find a connection and be entertained. Although, I could connect with the characters, their lives did not entertain in a way of escaping from my own ordinary life. Even though these people gather, not much happens beside introspective reflection and general analyzing of the human condition.Now, if you enjoy pondering the more mundane aspects of the human condition, you'll probably like McInerney's writing style and novel premise. It just doesn't appeal to me. I can appreciate it, but rather not invest too much of my reading time taking this journey. Since I already gave full attention to a previous novel by this author, once I saw this was more of the same (with different gathering characters), I determined to put it aside.

Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune: A Novel - Jetta Carleton Clair de Lune focuses on the innocence of a pre-war generation, both locally, globally and socially. There is a longing for what was, and a dread of what is to come -- the inevitable change. It also dips into the realm of boundaries not just separated by age, but influenced by position, power, gender and career. Although Allen is close in age with her students, she struggles with her new position at the university and the proper student-teacher relationship. What's relevant is how it might play out today. Are her actions scandalous or more harmless given her age? What trumps proper behavior, age or paycheck? Where it falls short for me is that given the philosophical struggles and controversial implications, the story does not seize the potential moments to really punch the points. This is more of a going through the daily motions with little resolution or heighten tension. Sure, there are parts where we get a tremor of trouble, but they are not pushed to the limit and held to really create the effect I was hungry for.Then, the biggest disappointment of all comes at the end. The ending or rather where the story just stops occurs! Did anyone else feel this way? It just ended with a slight shoulder shrug and an oh well, that was kinda fun feeling. I suppose this lends toward the Bohemian effect that the author was trying to instill in the book, along with the attitudes of the characters, but I found it abrupt and unsatisfying. I literally turned the page and said (out loud), "That's it!?" I don't like putting down a book with the thought that I just wasted my time, but admittedly, the thought crossed my mind after finishing Clair de Lune. Overall impression: A tepid cup of Earl Gray tea

Notes from Ghost Town

Notes from Ghost Town - Kate Ellison Love triangles, flaky friends, distracted parents, mental illness and murder. Notes From Ghost Town has it all, so what's not to love? Although this book is a murder-mystery, it addresses the stigmas, social attitudes, paranoia and misunderstanding surrounding mental illness. From Medusa (character in the book) to Olivia's mother, to her own struggles with hereditary possibilities, the impact, effects and treatment of the mentally ill are portrayed, not in some grandiose call to action, but rather depicted in an every day town, in an every day setting. However, it gets even more complicated by the fact that Olivia is sensitive to the paranormal, specifically, her dead friend Lucas. Often intuitives are mistaken for being mentally ill or misdiagnosed and vice versa. The stress of this complex burden is communicated effectively through the development of the story, and it is easy to see why Olivia struggles with trusting anyone with what is happening. In a way, the fact that she can't talk or confide in those she loves, is more maddening than what is actually occurring. The only drawback is the shift that occurs after the climax. The conclusion comes so darn fast and although explained, misses the opportunity to relay some important detailing following the murder-mystery build up. When all is revealed, a jump in time occurs. It's a bit of the brushing the dirt from the hands and moving on approach. I got a 'problem-solved, next!' kind of feeling. There is a tidy wrap up concerning Olivia's relationship with the family, but the suspense portion of the story (double murder-mystery and wrongful imprisonment) is over, abruptly. All is well in the end, which given the complexity of the novel up until this point, left me a bit disappointed. Nonetheless, I liked the overall story and was drawn in to the sort of damaged, but mostly happily-ever-after ending.

The Madman's Daughter

The Madman's Daughter - Inspired by H.G. Well's classic, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Shepherd weaves a Gothic tale worthy of literary stardom. Loyal to the Victorian Gothic horror, The Madman's Daughter begins in London and leads to an uncharted, remote island where experiments in the interest of science border on the insane. However, all advancement comes at a price and despite the horrific nature, some vital knowledge is gained for the benefit of humanity. The gruesome violations will make you wince and squirm, as the tension builds at a sometimes maddening pace. Some scenes are slow and drawn out as if guided by the precision of a surgeon's blade, which adds dark tension similar to Goethe. You'll wish you could look away, but can't, you must see the vivisection, your curiosity will force you to witness what is happening in the medical school basement or island blood house. The pacing of the prose is systemically executed to push and pull the story in a violent wave towards the inevitable outcome. However, there is a bit of a twist that makes the final pages exhilarating. For those who appreciate and love the classic structure of literature, this will be a journey worth taking. It starts in one place and sails towards another world. I use the term journey, because this is not necessarily a quick read, but unravels into chaos and madness, much like a true Gothic horror should. The love triangle also stays true to Victorian tradition and remains fairly chaste--no bodice ripping affairs occur, but the depth of love is satisfied with hope of more to come.

The Water Witch: A Novel

The Water Witch (Fairwick Chronicles #2) - Carol Goodman, Juliet Dark If you liked the first book in the series, The Demon Lover, you'll undoubtedly enjoy the second installation because it provides a seamless transition with well-woven re-capping details. The voice, flow and characters stay true to themselves. However, they don't necessarily grow that much, but Callie does figure out a few things before all is finished. I wish I could share a quote from the book as an example to theme, but since this is an advanced reader copy, I'm not allowed. As I got deeper and more involved in the chronicles, I began to notice complex thematic developments occurring. The English Lit. nerd in me gets excited when I can connect a modern hot topic or current event with something linked to a piece of literature I'm reading. Specifically, the idea of a group taking advantage of a crisis to push through an agenda. Persecution, rights, villainization and politics all play a role in the Fairwick Chronicles and can be discussed and compared to recent headlines. For example, we can all generally agree that no one pro violence, but at what length are we as a society willing to go to prevent it from happening? What limitation, persecution, villainization and boundaries are we willing to cross, close or commit? Most importantly, are certain groups, clubs, parties, institutions taking advantage to sway popular opinion? Also, similarly in the first book, sexuality is a prominent topic and although it can be graphic in nature, it does serve a purpose and connection adding to the thematic depth of the piece. As a reader, you can approach the inclusion either as entertainment, romance or as a literary commentary about sexuality, gender, love and social behavior. There is a definite conflict between the old and new values, and this can be analyzed and applied in various aspects throughout the novel. Given the sub-themes, The Water Witch poses some interesting perspectives that lean toward the literary and would make for a lively progressive book club or group discussion. Eagerly awaiting the third book because that last line was a whopper! My fingernails might pop off if I'm left hanging for too long.

The Demon Lover

The Demon Lover - Juliet Dark, Carol Goodman The Demon Lover is the equivalent of Harry Potter for adults. For those who grew up with a magical school, now there is a college with equal happenings plus the more adult passions that were missing from the younger audience pages. Fairwick is a supernatural campus that combines Gothic literature lore with contemporary romance making this paranormal fantasy believable and possible. There is just enough realism to ground it in the 'now,' but doesn't lack any of the otherworldly that provides a mythical escape and realm of possibilities. Let the imagination wander and flow with the mystic. The cast of Fairwick is made up of developed characters that bond the reader to the book and will encourage a commitment and desire to read the next novel in the chronicles, The Water Witch. There is a bit of over-kill on the use of "honeysuckle" both symbolically and it's assault on the senses, but in the end this didn't really bother me. Given that there is an incubus in the story line, you can expect racy scenes and seductive escapades. However, there is more to the plot, which separates this book from others in the strictly erotica category.

Currently reading

Mystery Girl: A Novel
David Gordon
Progress: 30/304 pages