Google Reader Gets Fired ~ Don't forget to Make the Switch to BLOGLOVIN'!
Google Reader (GFC) recently announced the service would cease to exist on July 1st as part of Google’s “Spring Cleaning” initiative. That means GFC follows and subscribers have two weeks to save their blog following lists. If you're like me, you follow hundreds of blogs (mostly book bloggers) and trying to import or 're-do' a list...well, the thought gave me a migraine. Plus, as a blogger we've worked so hard to get fans to click that button to follow and read our sites. No one wants to lose out. I actually joined Bloglovin' a few months ago. I admit I was having a love/hate relationship with Google Reader and found Bloglovin' to be easier and better to use. It's super easy to add your blog to their site if it's not already listed, and to follow and categorize blogs. And yep, they have apps for phones and ipads too.
How to Import Your RSS subscriptions from Google Reader to Bloglovin’

How to Move Your Google Reader RSS Feed to Bloglovin’
My new favorite reader: a Bloglovin’ tutorial
Follow ABM on Bloglovin'
Replacing google friends connect with Bloglovin'
Original post from email notice and heartifb